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CPU usage (Box Sync Monitor)

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  • Rona

    Hi Stefan, 

    Welcome to Box! 

    Box Sync physically downloads your Box files locally that's why when syncing files you can expect that it would occupy space from your machine. For any other issues with Box Sync please let us know or feel free to contact us via support.box.com. 

    Thanks for your participation in the Community! 

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  • Stefan Dietrich

    I was asking about CPU (processor time) usage. When everything is sync'ed up, there should barely any CPU usage at all. But there is (7% on an M1 processor is a lot). 

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  • Stefan Dietrich

    Trying to see if anyone has a good answer to this because right now, all I can do is quit box sync when I don't use it.

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  • Ashok Raman

    same here!!. Box is taking high CPU when there is nothing to sync..

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  • Stefan Dietrich

    Box support told me it is because of scanning for enterprise security that is causing the high CPU usage. Not sure if I buy this - why should there be scanning needed if there are absolutely no file changes, and 6-7% of a modern CPU seems to be excessive in any case for nothing to do, but that's what they said. And as long as they are hardly any complaints from customers, I don't see it changing.... Best to quit box and not use it when not needed.

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  • Darwin Pruisner

    I'm having the same problem, high CPU while BOX continually scans directories and files for changes! BOX Support, please provide capability to limit CPU usage and / or a way to schedule when BOX does its scans!

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  • Laura Clarage

    I recently took a data-intensive class that used a lot of Box Storage.  I started having problems with enormous amount of memory being used, so I moved all that data to un-synced folders.  Still, I have almost 3 GB of memory usage by Box at all times, and Task Manager reports that Box is constantly using 30% CPU.  That's right, 2 digits, not a typo - 30% CPU. It also takes more than a half hour for the Box files to load in the morning when I boot my computer, so I can't work on anything stored on Box for that full half hour.  Some thing is horribly wrong.  PLEASE find a solution to this issue.

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  • Babak Ravaji

    I have the same issue. Box uses 98% of my CPU! That's insane! any solution? 

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  • Harry Koehnemann

    Yup 28-35% of my CPU all day long.  I have to kill it and restart it when I want it to sync.  It is unusable in this state.

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  • Carson Chow

    I have the same problem.  Box doesn't seem to do anything well.  I wish we weren't forced to use it.

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  • Monday Monday

    Me too, 10% of the mighty M2 ? too much

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  • Marisa

    I'm having this issue on my laptop. With Box open, it renders the laptop nigh unusable. There's nothing to sync since I only do a nightly backup to the folder. This is ridiculous.

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  • Steve Anderson

    I have this problem.  Even when syncing is complete, Box Sync Monitor is using 13% of my Mac M1 CPU. 

    At least provide us a way to toggle the monitor on and off.

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