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Error: Grant credentials are invalid

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  • dev

    Hi @Kourtney, can you see if this is why I am getting the same error as the original poster?

    My client_id is till47pexrcgp9hpmk5js033ovqfy8uc and my access level is app+enterprise.

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  • Kevin Mariono

    Hi @Kourtney

    I am wondering if this issue still occurs? My client id is `ov1k33vnmurq7uae7azyq0c4ctxczvvv` and app access is `App Access only`. I tried to access it at 11:59:50 AM NZST (GMT+13). Could you please have a look?

    Many thanks,

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  • Kaustav Kundu

    Hi Kourtney,

    I am getting the same error --> {"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"Grant credentials are invalid"}

    My client id is ni8daktl7chhwxlt0zovndcefq4e7brc

    App Access Level is set to App Access Only.

    Can you please look into this?



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  • Box User

    Same issue :(


    For the record, the client ID of my application is - y8mb0api5yuxigwwnqsqsr3ex3at5tdm

    I am using App only access.

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    I have the same issuse:

    {"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"Grant credentials are invalid"}

    I am using App only access.

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  • Ronnie Schwartz

    I am having the exact same issue.  Was anyone here able to get this working?!

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  • Abraham Tom

    I too have the same issue:
    Seems like you have a "magical" backend fix 

    {"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"Grant credentials are invalid"}

    I am using App only access.

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  • Dang Phuong Nam

    Hi Kourtney,

    I have a same trouble.

    Detail error: Grant credentials are invalid

    Client id: s5r9c4y84iomj2l04n2df36je0j3bmy2

    Access level: enterprise access

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  • Jack Zarris

    Hi Kourtney,

    I'm sure being the point person for this issue isn't what you intended many months ago. That being said :)

    Detail error: Grant credentials are invalid

    Client id: bzst0okcd5ccvrfqpkb9p2qvcfh5otc3

    Access level: enterprise access

    I'm integrating with a partner and oauth is failing.


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  • Erin Blake

    Hi Kourtney,

    Is this bug still impacting authentication? I'm seeing the same issue with my application authentication

    Client id: y0o81lb26d0zpagq2gnmrwwzukx8px6d

    Access level: App Access Only


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  • Jon Gautsch

    Hi Kourtney,


    I seem to be facing the same issue.

    Client id: cunkexzb80zuhtpo674t2rkzq0tehca8

    Access level: App Access Only





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  • Print Partner

    Hi, I am getting this issue {"error":"invalid_client","error_description":"The client credentials are invalid"}, after passing the correct credentials

    Could you please take a look? My client ID is s0nzkvxf3u2h08a0f0rry9j8q7h5bdx1. I don't remember which app type I chose when I set it up, but I think that it was a Custom app with OAuth 2.0

    I have a paid account and not getting a reply for over a month is unacceptable.

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  • Mike Hunigan

    Same here: Client ID: nx5hjy62mrunmuqkk4dcvtwvad578kvl

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  • Kourtney


    Could you please provide the client ID of your application so I can take a look at it in the backend? I believe you may be affected by a known bug. 


    Kourtney, Box Developer Advocate

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  • Rathin Mandal

    Hi Kourtney,

    Thank you for replying.

    Here is the client Id: pult3u3k5hfw0h22o1azb01jh0oi9qxc

    I am trying my test on Sandbox environment of Box.

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  • Kourtney

    Hey Rathin, 

    Thank you for providing that information! It does appear this is the bug at work, but I can quickly help you work around it. Can you please tell me what the desired application access is for this app (i.e. app only or app + enterprise)? 


    Kourtney, Box Developer Advocate

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  • Rathin Mandal

    Hi Kourtney,

    Thanks for quick response.

    I am building a backend application, which will be uploading some files to box folders using BOX API. The application will have no access to website or redirect url.

    So achieve this, I am trying the option of client grant, using client id and client secret.

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  • Jamie Thompson

    Hi Rathin,

    I stumbled upon this issue while researching something for another. What kind of app did you initially set up? Did you do the limited access app or the full enterprise app?


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  • Kourtney

    Hey Rathin, 

    Apologies my question was not clear enough-- which option under the configuration tab did you want set for the application access? The options are either app only or app + enterprise. The bug is affecting the selection not being flagged on the backend which is why you are getting this error. 



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  • Rathin Mandal

    Thanks for replying.

    @Kourtney, I am using App Only setting.

    @Jamie, I have selected Custom App and then Server Authentication

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  • Kourtney

    Thank you --- go ahead and try to authenticate now! Things should be working. 

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  • Eric Gordon

    Hi - I'm having this same issue. How was this resolved?

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  • Kourtney

    Hey Eric -- Can you please provide me with your application's client ID and which option under the configuration tab you want set for the application access. The options are either app only or app + enterprise.


    Kourtney, Box Developer Advocate

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  • Eric Gordon

    @Kourtney - Client ID: c91l0lqu7q0c3vdn8gtjxp8serrdo91k and configuration is app access only. Thanks.

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  • Rathin Mandal

    Hi Kourtney,

    I am able to access the API successfully. My Box application was not approved by Admin, due to which authorization was failing.

    Thanks for looking into this.

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  • N'DIAYE Ousmane

    I have the same problem, what is the source of the problem and how could I fix it?

    We selected custom app with server authentifcation(client credentials) and app access only. 



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  • Kourtney

    Hello @N'Diaye Ousmane: 

    Apologies for the delay. Your application should now be able to be used. Please reauthorize the app in the admin console and try again! 

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  • Steven Oakes

    Hi Kourtney,

    Having the same issue.

    Auth Method: OAuth 2.0 w/ JWT

    Client_ID: ev07ia8ox3986pabq74vt8cft35pzdt0

    App Access Level: App + Enterprise Access

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  • Kourtney

    Hey Stephen, 

    If you want to use client id + client secret to authenticate you will need to make another app with the auth method as server authentication (with client credentials grant). This will not work with the current setup! 



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  • Hirosuke NAMBA

    Hi Kourtney,

    I have the same problem on my sandbox environment.
    How can I fix it?
    client_id: t90sdo91qdb4dc81tw36ujr4eq5bmgy8

    Thank you,

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