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  • France

    Hi Steven, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    For security purposes, you cannot create Direct links in Box for .msi and .exe files. It is important to be aware that these file types can be harmful if downloaded from an untrusted source.

    For more details about Direct links, please take a look at this article: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043697094-Creating-Shared-Links


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  • Steven Dundas

    Hi France, I never asked about .msi or .exe files. I asked about Office application extension like .pptx, .docx and .xlsx or Adobe application extension like .pdf.
    Trust it is clear now and I hope that you have the solution how to send Box links with the file name + extension to others, so these links can be linked to e.g. Power BI.

    Kind regards, Steven Dundas

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  • France

    Hi Steven, 

    Thanks for clarifying on this.

    The closest that I could think that can achieve this is to use a Direct Link.

    A Direct link is a web address (URL) that links directly to a file without using Box Preview. This is different from a regular shared link, which brings users to the Box Preview screen for the shared file.

    Direct links end with the file's extension type. Therefore, if you are linking to a Microsoft Word document, a direct link ends with *.doc. When a collaborator clicks on the direct link, the file is downloaded onto his or her computer, or opened by a default program, depending on computer settings. Direct linking can also be used to host images or files for your website or blog.

    You can find the Direct link of a file if you enabled the Shared link and go to the link settings.

    For more details, please take a look at this article: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043697554-Configuring-Individual-Shared-Link-Settings 

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