Powerpoint Save Error
AnsweredI am using Box drive (viz. the mounted version) and I have no problem editing and saving word documents, excel spreadsheets, ai files, jpegs, etc. I can create a new powerpoint file and save it. But if I open an existing powerpoint file, modify it, and try to save, there is a pause and
"The file cannot be saved right now because the file is loaded by another user at the moment. You can wait a few moments and try the save again, or you can cancel this save and resave using a different file name."
This error appears. This happens 100% of the time for powerpoint files and 0% of the time for any other file type.
Thoughts? Solutions?
Operating system: high seirra 10.13.2
Pptx version: Pptx for Mac: 15.41
Box Drive: Version 1.7.199
Hello Box Product Support. The same issue occurs again. Basically need to reboot my laptop or close box drive and then I'm good for a few saves again. The issue happens on a daily basis though. And again, only with PPT files.
I'm on Version 2.17.176
MacOS Catalina, version 10.15.7 (19H2)Best regards,
Christophe -
Seconding Gabriel's fix. I logged out of the box drive app, and re-logged in and have not had any save issues so far.
Same versions as well, macOS 10.15.7 (19H2), Box 2.18.117. Which have both been updated within the last two weeks before the issue began.
Hopefully the force re-login fix will stick. Thanks for sharing G! -
I have the same problem on MacOS 11.2.2 (Big Sur); Box Drive 2.20.136; MS PowerPoint 16.46
Open a file and then save with or with any change and get the error.
I haven't tested quitting Box drive and restarting as I have a lot of offline content, and the Box Drive instructions say that it will remove the local content when you quit the app.
I can save outside the Box folder and copy back in when I'm finished, but that kinda defeats the point.
Pretty disappointing... I have been using Box Sync for years without a hitch and forced to move to Box Drive due to my company IT no longer supporting... not happy this is my first experience :(
Logging out and logging in did fix it for typically a week on my end. After a long chat with customer support, this is the latest
Hi Christophe,
After consulting with engineering on this, they confirmed that in the past when users have faced this issue, it has always fixed itself when updating Microsoft PowerPoint to a new version. Can you confirm if the application on the affected machine has been updated to 16.43? Can you send over a screenshot for confirmation?
Since the error is being thrown by PowerPoint, if the issue persists you may want to reach out to Microsoft for further troubleshooting since the fix will likely lie on their end.
Box Product Support
Specialization: Desktop Client and Mobile Applications
Community and Knowledge Base: https://support.box.com--------
I have now upgraded to big sur, and my PPT version is indeed 16.43, have not faced any issue so far. Fingers crossed it's actually resolved now...
I had this same issue today using:
- macOS Catalina 10.15.7 (19H15)
- Box Drive version 2.19.294
- PowerPoint 16.45.21011103
For anyone who gets to this point and needs a work around:
- I was able to Save As my file to my Desktop (anywhere else outside of the Box Drive works too) in order to avoid losing my changes
- Used the same temporary workaround as the other users above: Quit Box Drive and reopen the application
I've had this problem on and off with various Microsoft file types and it always seems to come back to an incompatibility between box drive and a particular version of any MS product. I was told a while back when having the problem with Word to revert to an earlier version of Word and stop auto-updates. To me that's just useless of Box as their products have to keep pace with things they are integrating with, especially when they are core applications like MS office.
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