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Error while using Primary Access Token instead of Developer Token

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  • cbetta

     a partner integration does not have the developer token as it already comes with 2 access tokens out of the Box. It is also not meant for uploading files. 


    You will want to create a Custom Application probably, and then you can create a Developer Token via the interface.

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  • Dinu1

    Thank You..I created custom app and now i can see the developer token access. Issues still existing with developer token as well. Not sure what mistake i am doing in my code...


    My JAVA Code:

    import java.io.FileInputStream;
    import java.util.logging.Level;
    import java.util.logging.Logger;

    import com.box.sdk.BoxAPIConnection;
    import com.box.sdk.BoxFile;
    import com.box.sdk.BoxFolder;
    import com.box.sdk.BoxItem;
    import com.box.sdk.BoxUser;

    public class BoxTest {

    private static final String DEVELOPER_TOKEN = "------";

    private static final int MAX_DEPTH = 3;

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // Turn off logging to prevent polluting the output.

    BoxAPIConnection client = new BoxAPIConnection(DEVELOPER_TOKEN);

    BoxUser.Info userInfo = BoxUser.getCurrentUser(client).getInfo();
    System.out.format("Welcome, %s <%s>!\n\n", userInfo.getName(), userInfo.getLogin());

    // Set upload values
    String filePath = "C:/eclipse/test.txt";
    String fileName = "Test.txt";
    String folderId = "Test";

    // Select Box folder
    BoxFolder folder = new BoxFolder(client, folderId);

    // Upload file
    FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream(filePath);
    BoxFile.Info newFileInfo = folder.uploadFile(stream, fileName);




     Exception in thread "main" com.box.sdk.BoxAPIResponseException: The API returned an error code [404 | z4yf3ffzrfk06wfb] not_found - Not Found
    at com.box.sdk.BoxAPIResponse.(BoxAPIResponse.java:92)
    at com.box.sdk.BoxJSONResponse.(BoxJSONResponse.java:32)
    at com.box.sdk.BoxAPIRequest.trySend(BoxAPIRequest.java:579)
    at com.box.sdk.BoxAPIRequest.send(BoxAPIRequest.java:354)
    at com.box.sdk.BoxAPIRequest.send(BoxAPIRequest.java:329)
    at com.box.sdk.BoxFolder.uploadFile(BoxFolder.java:516)
    at com.box.sdk.BoxFolder.uploadFile(BoxFolder.java:441)
    at box.caseroads.BoxTest.main(BoxTest.java:39)

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  • cbetta

    You need to provide a valid Box folder ID, try "0" for your root folder.

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  • Dinu1

    Yeah...I was able to upload file for first time with the code...Thank You Cbette. Appreciate your help. 

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