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Can we find objects by shared link id or URL only?

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  • khuongdh

    I think you may find your answer here


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  • monogrant

     that only works if the ID doing the search (or as-user) has access to the object.


    Right now I'm hunting through an approach using the admin_logs/enterprise event stream. It's a bit of a hunt because you can only return 500 events at a time. It does appear to work though, and it will give the share id, user that created it, when, object owner, name, etc. Then you can do an "as-user" as the owner to get object details if you need more.


    It's a bit of a slog, but it's coming into focus.

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  • khuongdh

     Oh, sorry, I forgot that we need to know the owner id so we can retrieve the item belongs to the shared link.

    I think search through Enterprise Events probably is the only way (at this time). You can write a service and let it collects enterprise events (with event_type=SHARE,SHARE_EXPIRATION) in real-time then write shared link's id as well as folder/file's id to database (or spread sheet,etc) . 

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