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  • Laura De Ruiter

    This is really frustrating. All my work with my research group happens on Box, and now I have to do it all via the web interface (which always means several additional clicks - e.g., to open docs in an application - and it being slower). I don't understand how you still haven't fixed this MONTHS after M1 machines came out, knowing that a lot of people are using them. 

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  • Alex Lu

    Agree with Laura. Do you guys have updated progress?

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  • bruno.acar

    Why on earth is BOX still not running properly on M1 chip Macs?? For months, users have been dealing with this half-baked "BETA" solution. It doesn't store the data on the end-device at all. Everything is only available when connected. No Document previews, etc.

    I guess I'n not alone to state that I'm really disappointed that Box won't / can't fix this. Moving to another provider then I presume ??

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  • Alex Lu

    I don't know why but this is definitely very disappointed as a tech company.....can someone from BOX team to say something??

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  • Jorge Posada Torres

    Hello everyone, wanted to confirm I am interpreting the directions correctly in Using Box Drive. For a M1 mac running Big Sur 1.5+, we'll need to run the terminal command to enable (FPE). That should then remove the Security and Privacy general tab prompt and allow Box Drive usage?

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  • France

    Hi Paul,

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    Box Drive support on the new Apple M1 chipset will not be on the latest update of the app.

    We will be releasing a Beta build of Box Drive that will be compatible with Apple's new devices using M1 chips. The Beta is planned in early this year but currently do not have an ETA. 

    In the meantime, you can access your Box content on Apple Silicon devices via the Box web application by logging into app.box.com/login.""
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