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User lost access to folder, any way to see who revoked her access?

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  • France

    Hi Shawn, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    Box Admins may generate a User activity report showing who may have removed a certain collaborator on a folder your organization owns.

    You may follow the steps below to run this report:

    1. Go to the 'Admin Console
    2. Click 'Reports'
    3. Select the 'User Activity'
    4. Set the date range of the report
    5. Choose 'Collaborations' under the 'Action Types', and the filters Removed Collaborator and Collaboration expired
    6. Hit 'Run'

    For details about running User activity report, please take a look at this article: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043696534-Running-Reports#useractivity 


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  • Shawn Palmer

    Thanks so much. Report didn't show me anything for the two users but I'll keep digging around.

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