Hernan Mijail Percca Minaya

  • Total activity 12
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Recent activity by Hernan Mijail Percca Minaya Recent activity Votes
  • JWT auth and service account

    Hi there. I was trying to access to my box account with a custom app + JWT auth. I'm using the following script: from boxsdk import JWTAuthfrom boxsdk import OAuth2, Clientsdk = JWTAuth.from_settin...

  • API box target

    Hey! I wrote the following code with the Python SDK: from boxsdk import DevelopmentClientclient = DevelopmentClient()items = client.folder(folder_id='0').get_items()for item in items: print('{0}...

  • Authorization


    Hi team! Is the enterprise authorization required in order to obtain permissions to use the API in a script? I'm trying to connect to the app, but I received a unauthorized message: from boxsdk imp...