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Developer App Authorization

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4 commentaires

  • Peter Christensen


    The app needs to be authorized by an admin in the Box Enterprise where you created the app. Your Box admin should have received an email with the request to authorize it so you would need to follow up with them. If you login to Box, click the logo in the upper right hand corner and choose 'Account Settings' and then scroll to the bottom of the page you should see who your admin contact is.

    Best regards,
    Peter Christensen, Platform Solutions Engineer, Box

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  • Siddharth Kumar Singh

    Hi Peter,

    Got it. I have the email address of the admin now. Will contact them for authorizing the app. Thanks bunches. This was helpful.



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  • Siddharth Kumar Singh

    Hello Peter,

    I did get the box admin team's email address,  however despite repeated requests and reminder emails, the application still wasn't authorized. It now lies in disabled state. Is there any other way to get this application authorized ?

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  • Peter Christensen


    If you want the app to make API calls in the enterprise it needs to be authorized by an admin of that enterprise. This is standard requirement for all server side apps and there is no way around it for security reasons. 

    I am not aware of your circumstances but if the admin does not respond to you, you should probably contact your manager and have them escalate this up the chain.

    Best regards


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