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"Account storage limit reached"

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1 commentaire

  • Warda Srl

    We managed to find the root cause in out case and fix that. For anyone that may encounter the same problem, here is the gist of it.

    We use Box via a custom app, through a server integration and a set of app users. When we upgraded to a business account with unlimited storage, we had to manually set the storage quota for both the actual owner account and all existing app users. But we were still getting the same error.

    The problem was that the app was interacting with Box through another type of account: a service account. Unfortunately service accounts are not shown in the admin console (or the developer one for that matter). The only way to edit those type of accounts as far as we can tell is only through API or the admin console. To edit them via the admin console you need to use the bulk edit function: in the downloaded Excel file service accounts are included and their storage quota can be set to "unlimited" too.

    For reference:

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