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3 commentaires

  • France

    Hi Jason, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    We do not have migration services offered to move out your contents out Box.

    If you would like to download your files/ and folders from Box, there are several download options for you, but for this amount of data, you can try: Using Box with FTP or FTPS FTP is recommended for initial bulk uploading and occasional bulk downloading of files from your account. 

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  • Jason Scott

    Unfortunately this would require manually adding permissions to each folder under each user.

    At 150 users and 7TB, that's not a realistic option.  

    You have no other method of egress?


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  • John Andrew

    Hi Jason,

    In this case I hope third party migration tool can help you out with this requirement. You can have a check on Cloudfuze migration tool.

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