Shortcuts or symbolic link Box
Hey everybody,
I want to build a system that will have a folder that has shortcut or links to other folder in Box but not in the same order
For Example:
Users - a folder to save data about my users
Parties - a folder to save data about party and events
Event Managers - A list of link to user and to link to Parties (to a specific party and user)
So some questions here:
- Can I build it with the API
- Do you have a better solution
The idea was to not create duplicate users or managers and only connect them with links that will be like a short cut
Commentaire officiel
Hey Assaf,
Can you provide more information on what your end goal is?
You can make shared links for files or folders via the API as described in the reference section links, but I'm not sure that actually solves the problem you are working on.
Alex, Box Developer Advocate
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We need to create a repository of file related to objects A, Objects B and C
For example:
- Root directory:
-- Objects A
---- A1
---- A2
---- A3
-- Objects B
---- B1
---- B2
---- B3
-- Objects C
---- C1
---- C2
---- C3
But I would like to create a link to a new folder containing one of each:
- Root
-- Collection 1
---- A1, B1, C1
-- Collection 2
---- A2, B2, C2
-- Collection 3
---- A3, B2, C3
-- Collection 4
---- A1, B2, C3
The idea is to:
- Save space
- Create "short-cuts" to the individual files
- Create permission over the folders for the collections
I hope this is clear
I think what you are trying to do makes more sense now. You are basically wanting to create a reorganized view of the data that exists in another folder structure.
There are a few things to consider. Will this be a "one and done" problem, or will you have to update the sister folder structure that has links as new data is added or updated to the other? I think this type of idea could get very tricky and complicated to support. I'm not sure what the use case is, but I would try to think of other ways to solve for it besides creating a sister folder structure of web links/bookmarks.
My recommendation would be to organize content in Box in a way that makes sense for users to utilize the content, while providing appropriate access via collaborations rather than shared links/web links(which aren't as secure). Depending on the access level set, shared links could work work for anyone with the link.
Alex, Box Developer Advocate
You might try adding this suggestion to Pulse. Leadership uses that to drive the roadmap.
OneDrive and Google Drive can handle windows ".lnk" links. Why Box not? Please add this to Box, this would be a game changer.
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