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Error: Grant credentials are invalid

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55 commentaires

  • John Herr

    Hi @Kourtney.

    Is this affecting either:






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  • Kevin Mariono

    Hi @Kourtney

    I am wondering if this issue still occurs? My client id is `ov1k33vnmurq7uae7azyq0c4ctxczvvv` and app access is `App Access only`. I tried to access it at 11:59:50 AM NZST (GMT+13). Could you please have a look?

    Many thanks,

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  • Kaustav Kundu

    Hi Kourtney,

    I am getting the same error --> {"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"Grant credentials are invalid"}

    My client id is ni8daktl7chhwxlt0zovndcefq4e7brc

    App Access Level is set to App Access Only.

    Can you please look into this?



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  • Box User

    Same issue :(


    For the record, the client ID of my application is - y8mb0api5yuxigwwnqsqsr3ex3at5tdm

    I am using App only access.

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    I have the same issuse:

    {"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"Grant credentials are invalid"}

    I am using App only access.

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  • Ronnie Schwartz

    I am having the exact same issue.  Was anyone here able to get this working?!

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  • Abraham Tom

    I too have the same issue:
    Seems like you have a "magical" backend fix 

    {"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"Grant credentials are invalid"}

    I am using App only access.

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  • Dang Phuong Nam

    Hi Kourtney,

    I have a same trouble.

    Detail error: Grant credentials are invalid

    Client id: s5r9c4y84iomj2l04n2df36je0j3bmy2

    Access level: enterprise access

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  • Jack Zarris

    Hi Kourtney,

    I'm sure being the point person for this issue isn't what you intended many months ago. That being said :)

    Detail error: Grant credentials are invalid

    Client id: bzst0okcd5ccvrfqpkb9p2qvcfh5otc3

    Access level: enterprise access

    I'm integrating with a partner and oauth is failing.


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  • Erin Blake

    Hi Kourtney,

    Is this bug still impacting authentication? I'm seeing the same issue with my application authentication

    Client id: y0o81lb26d0zpagq2gnmrwwzukx8px6d

    Access level: App Access Only


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  • Jon Gautsch

    Hi Kourtney,


    I seem to be facing the same issue.

    Client id: cunkexzb80zuhtpo674t2rkzq0tehca8

    Access level: App Access Only





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  • Print Partner

    Hi, I am getting this issue {"error":"invalid_client","error_description":"The client credentials are invalid"}, after passing the correct credentials

    Could you please take a look? My client ID is s0nzkvxf3u2h08a0f0rry9j8q7h5bdx1. I don't remember which app type I chose when I set it up, but I think that it was a Custom app with OAuth 2.0

    I have a paid account and not getting a reply for over a month is unacceptable.

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  • Nihal Limbani

    Hi Kourtney,

    Can you please look into this matter? Having the same issue.


    Auth Method: OAuth 2.0 with Client Credentials Grant (Server Authentication)

    Client_ID: jte2rx61pddiq337dwk61kpbvulybrh7

    App Access Level: App Access Only


    Auth Method: OAuth 2.0 with JSON Web Tokens (Server Authentication)

    Client_ID: sdc5l30s0gmcgdje1wz6c794bzkbvgdb

    App Access Level: App + Enterprise Access


    Auth Method: OAuth 2.0 (User or Client Authentication)

    Client_ID: ojvskf3qzuzitlhmyxbz1ff3zkhi3c2w


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  • Nicolas Reichert

    Hey Kourtney, I'm facing same issue! 


    Client id: cm6x78mf9dibv7nmqykq9y3lsqoal31o

    App Access Level: App Access Only



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  • Rottela Suman


    I created app and make client credentials authentication. I am not able to download access the files and folders in admin user account.

    and i have one more issue. i shared the folders in app to user as editor he is not able download the files when he trying create access token.

    i added him as a collaborator in app i am using this for getting access token.

    curl -L -X POST "https://<companyboxurl>/oauth2/token"
    -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
    --data-urlencode "client_id=<client_id>"
    --data-urlencode "client_secret=<client_secret>"
    --data-urlencode "grant_type=client_credentials"

    and i am getting this error

    {"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"Grant credentials are invalid"}

    can u resolve issue ASAP.

    --data-urlencode "box_subject_type=user"
    --data-urlencode "box_subject_id=<user id>"

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  • Narendra Wavhal

    Hi Kourtney

    I am also facing this error. I have set my app to App + Enterprise. My client id is

    Thank you in advance
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  • Patryk

    I have the same issue.



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  • Solve-X

    Hi Kourtney,

    Happy New Year!

    Seems like I have the same issue.

    ClientId: g6pnmu4us74v9sk7b3ttl5v07yodyzf6

    Also, how do I select both app + enterprise access level?

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  • Cody Antunez

    This just happened to me as well. Is there a fix that customers can do themselves?


    Answer to my problem: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/4407192479379/comments/4407333428243


    TLDR; i was trying to use my own userID with app only which causes error. I needed to either use a service account OR an app user (which I did not have permission to add). The documentation should be edited to reflect "user=" does not just mean YOUR user id, but specifically a service account or app user id (if you selected App access only).

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  • Aka devops group


    I have same issuse like this post. 
    I set up app like this

    my client id is fxwqim58fbefcy9uafv56o497yowjatg


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  • Rajesh

    Hello Kourtney,

    I too am facing similar issue.

    Results:{error=invalid_grant, error_description=Grant credentials are invalid}

    Client ID : 2qqp032lws6ijjmxdbhj6oklhy5pk0ru

    access level: App access only

    Please let me know what is causing the problem.





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  • Tim Dev BPS Lampung

    me too having same problem,

    client_id: 6ra1hjyr5uem4k4uhygtnnhqpgbsjjwh

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  • Britt Nollé

    I am having the same issue, can someone please help/advise please:

    Client Auth success:  {'_oauth': <boxsdk.auth.ccg_auth.CCGAuth object at 0x7f84ad76e550>, '_session': <boxsdk.session.session.AuthorizedSession object at 0x7f84ad77b010>}
    Client AsUser Auth success:  {'_oauth': <boxsdk.auth.ccg_auth.CCGAuth object at 0x7f84ad76e550>, '_session':

    Upload to folder "86734036620" failed with error [
    Message: Grant credentials are invalid
    Status: 400
    URL: https://api.box.com/oauth2/token
    Method: POST
    Headers: {'Date': 'Wed, 01 Nov 2023 14:24:19 GMT', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Transfer-Encoding': 'chunked', 'Strict-Transport-Security': 'max-age=31536000', 'Set-Cookie': 'box_visitor_id=65425f93155745.46558765; expires=Fri, 01-Nov-2024 14:24:19 GMT; Max-Age=31622400; path=/; domain=.box.com; secure; SameSite=None, bv=PARTNERS-22119; expires=Wed, 08-Nov-2023 15:24:19 GMT; Max-Age=608400; path=/; domain=.app.box.com; secure, cn=82; expires=Fri, 01-Nov-2024 14:24:19 GMT; Max-Age=31622400; path=/; domain=.app.box.com; secure, site_preference=desktop; path=/; domain=.box.com; secure', 'Cache-Control': 'no-store', 'Via': '1.1 google', 'Alt-Svc': 'h3=":443"; ma=2592000,h3-29=":443"; ma=2592000'}]

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  • Vimal Kumar Sindh

    Kourtney We are facing the same issue, can you please check from backend?

    ClientId: 461ruikg7bmhe827wfca67lc2kvp7wek

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  • Mike Hunigan

    Same here: Client ID: nx5hjy62mrunmuqkk4dcvtwvad578kvl

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