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Box Drive - Slow Access/Performance Issues

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12 commentaires

  • Bill Bispeck

    I have version 2.22.445

    I started have slow access issues with Box Drive.  With a few of my folders (not everyone) when I go to the folder it takes forever for the contents to appear.  I believe my experience with this problem is with folders with "large" content.  This is especially troubling when I am in an online meeting and want to open a file and share my screen.  Would appreciate advice from the Box folks.  

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  • Michelle Falkenbach

    Box Drive is unbelievably slow when you are trying to open documents with images... I would appreciate advice and that box focuses on fixing this issue... obviously they are not reading these threads since it is a persistent issue for over 10 months now...

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  • Lisa McCaffrey

    I agree! It's really affecting my productivity as it takes forever for files to open, and there is no preview. Does anyone here think that 'Dropbox' is better for fast previews and file access? 

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  • James Balisciano

    Version 2.27.242 and I am also experiencing this. Other users on our account have told me they are also having similar issues.

    It is not only large files or documents with images. Notepad just timed out ("unable to access") trying to open a simple txt file, and Word took about 2 minutes to open a 19kB document with nothing but text. I've had several occasions where attempting to copy a file to another location doesn't work.

    Does anyone have any suggestions for correcting this? It really is turning into a severe productivity impact.

    Edit: I should add that this happens both in the office directly connected to our corporate network as well as while working from home connected to our VPN.

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  • Casey DeCarlo

    Having the same issue now. It's been so bad the past few weeks, items never seem to load in local folders so I'm forced to go online and download what I need and work locally. I can't work like this. When I do a speed test I have plenty speed up and down. I am on Monterey using 2.27.250. 

    **OMG, Box is lagging to open a folder that has no files in it!! Why?! I just checked online thinking it must be full of gigs of HR images, nope, nothing

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  • Onur Olmez

    Several of my staff are also experiencing performance-related issues described by others. I'm not sure if Box Drive is fully to blame as I'm in the early stages of troubleshooting this, but it definitely seems like at least it does have a part in it. I've opened a ticket (we're a Box Premier Support customer). Let's see what they have to say.

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    Same thing here! Even text files a few kb in size take forever to open. Also, moving a few small files from one folder to another takes over a minute! My connection is fiberoptic 1gb, so speed is not an issue.

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  • Erik Adén

    Hi, got the same issues. We are using the "Make available offline" setting that should make files faster to access because you actually put them locally on your harddrive but BOX drive have a hard time in 2-3 days time sync even 20k of the files. BOX even says that folders or files are synced but if you open one of them you can find files that are not synced, so BOX drive actually skips syncing a sample of the files and tells you that it's synced even though it's not. This is a big issue for us because we move files automatically using software so we need to trust that BOX syncing actually works. If this not is fixed we are going to look for another solution than BOX for this type of use.

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  • Sean Baker

    Opening documents with images is taking a long time. We are now having to move folders to external hard drives as Box is unable to resolve this issue. Completely defeats the purpose of having Box.

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  • Chris Giuliano

    box's performance for audio files is quite slow as well. takes up to 10 seconds to view an audio file. why?

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  • Alex Wells

    Having similar issues with accessing, saving and opening files on Mac OSX. Any assistance from Box? Cause I cannot find where you can submit a ticket.

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  • We use apple products at work - I work on a macbook pro and have noticed significant slow-downs. I assumed this must be associated with the microsoft/crowdstrike glitch that shut down many flights, banks, etc.  Just assuming that Box will announce that they will find a way to fix it.... BUT this is making it difficult to run our business.

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