No Authorization tab for free account
Can free account authorize the app or not? Constatnly getting this response:
This application needs to be authorized by the enterprise admin
Can anyone explain what does it mean? Do I have to update the subscription to create single API? No chance to even try? Please advise!
Thank you.
Hi Dexter,
Unfortunately the administration console of recent free tier accounts has been temporarily disabled, we apologize for the inconvenience.
It should be back soon.
In the mean time let me include some screenshots of what is expected:
On your application console there is an Authorization tab, this is where you submit your application for approval.
After submitting the application, your box administrator has to approve it. This is done on the administration console:
Best regards
Hi Rui Barbosa
Can you advise how a team can try out some of the Box capabilities without this tab (auth. requests specifically using REST for client credential flow) without paying for a full license?
I have confirmed 2 month from your last comment there is still not tab. Is there another way?
Hi Kyril,
Depending on what areas are you testing you have different options available.
I recommend starting with an OAuth 2.0 app, event if doesn't exactly fit your use case, since it will give you access to the bulk of the API.
To create and use a OAuth 2.0 application you can use the free account, no problem.
Follow this guide or take a look at this article.
As a last resort you can create a 14 day trial, be sure to start it only when you're ready, and make sure you cancel before the trial ends or you will be charged.
Hi Rui Barbosa
I would like to prove out if the flow described in the article included meets the requirement of obtaining an access token via an http call and then calling Rest Api. The free account does not work and gives an error of invalid grant as the app needs to be authorized. Can you please provide detailed steps how someone can accomplish this as per the article from Box on a free tier account?
The use case is:
get an access token via an http call using a client id and secret
pass the access token in Rest calls
Hi Kyri,
Client Credential Grants (CCG), and JSON Web Tokens (JWT) are not currently available in the free accounts.
If what you intent to prove is if the CCG authentication works, then please use the 14 day trial.
What I was suggesting is that if you want to test Box API capabilities, beyond authentication, you can, temporarily use an authentication type that is currently available in the free accounts, specifically OAuth 2.0.
OAuth 2.0 only requires user interaction the first time for the user to authorize the app. This means you can even manually generate the access and refresh tokens, and the use it on your server side app, again temporarily, in the case your building a server side app with no user interaction.
If you look at the sample app, you'll notice that it opens a browser for the user to complete the authorization and then saves the access and refresh token on a file. From this point on it will re-use these tokens, refreshing the access token when needed. You can also create this file manually, bypassing the user interaction.
If the refresh token is not used within 60 days then the user must re-authorize the app.
This is a temporary workaround while we re-instate the full fledge developer accounts, and will get you started with the Box API.
Let us know if this helps.
Hi Rui Barbosa
Unfortunately, for testing purposes to try this out getting tokens via a proper http flow with no interaction and on behalf or not and doing proper testing the round about way does not give me what I need.
What 14 day trial will I need to accomplish the client credential server flow and is there a fee paid up front that is non refundable and how do you end the trial after trying this out? It really is unfortunate that you have removed the Admin features and not user friendly.
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