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BOX can not handle many files at once, crashed 2 times a day.

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3 commentaires

  • Rona

    Hi Ali, 

    Welcome to Box Community and glad to assist! 

    Box supports the syncing of under 100,000 files and up to 100GB to ensure the best performance. Are you moving 20K files from your local folder into your Box Sync folder when it freezes? 

    We'd love to hear back from you! 

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  • Ali Ozkaraca

    Hi Rona,

    Affirmative ! 

    Highest number I have seen was about 39K. And as far as I remember I have sent the logs when BOX was crashed.

    Last time it freezed my computer, I had to restart it physically.

    And after every crash there are sync errors, this morning I have seen more than 97K sync errors, this number was increasing due to crashes. After seeing that number, I had to log out from Box and log in again. Otherwise BOX don't let me to do anything. I have another post (but someone removed it) about BOX mem/cpu usage and not synching my files at same time.

    Hope you may help or configure queue control of sync items. User don't have any control over BOX about anything. Some items should be synched in background, some should be done in real time. I don't want to see my excel/word/pdf file changes after 2-3 hours later. As far as I see BOX works as FIFO.  

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  • Cristian Hurtado

    Also been having the issue for months now. 


    Seems like BoxSync will crash after a certain amount ~20k and completely crash until I have to restart or ForceQuit the App. It just seems annoying that it can't handle that much syncing periodically for hours. For context I'm trying to sync a folder that has less than 100,000 files in it, but BoxSync can't handle more than 15k it seems. Any updates on a fix?

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