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10 commentaires

  • iburke

    My entire staff just had the same experience.  It seems to have resolved at this point


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  • Richard Gambale

    Having similar issues. The web-based login is working for me, but I'm getting a socket error when trying to use Box Drive.

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  • Richard Gambale

    Now Box Drive is working again. Guess a hiccup for everyone?

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  • Paul Preston

    can log in on app, but not desktop

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  • Mike Garcia

    We were getting an error for about 30 minutes until just a couple of minutes ago.  Now it's working. status.box.com never reported an outage, though.

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  • Brian Mays

    Same here.  Box support seems to be blissfully unaware of an outage.  Downdetector shows it's widespread.

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  • Meghan Matheson

    Ours went down again. Anyone else?


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  • Mike Garcia

    Still working here. I was able to sign out and back in on the website without error and the mobile app is working.

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  • Paul Preston

    Still working here as well.

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  • Rafi

    It doesn't work correctly for me either, plus I have no available space even though I don't have any files in my storage, it says 10GB of 10GB used

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