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3 commentaires

  • Rona

    Hi Bryan, 

    Welcome to Box Community! 

    To help address this issue, I created a new ticket and a member from Box Product Support will be in touch, please keep an eye out. 

    Thanks for posting!

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  • Barry Gould

    Was there a fix for the above as we have the same issue

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  • Bryan Landwermeyer

    The short answer - no, it is not resolved.
    This is the worthless reply that I got from Box Customer Success (I'll refrain from naming the individual):
    "Thank you for reaching Box Premier Services. I'm happy to assist.
    Upon checking the screenshot, it seems that the message that you're getting is from the Microsoft Application and not Box. 
    Since Microsoft Excel is not created by Box, please reach out to Microsoft Support to further investigate the error that you're getting.
    Box Premier Services"

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