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Search in BOX - Everywhere

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7 commentaires

  • Bryce Smyth

    I have just made a post regarding this exact same thing, good to hear that our team is not the only one that finds this addition to search very unnecessary

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  • Rona

    Hi Falynn, 

    Welcome to Box Community! 

    To help address your issue, I created a new ticket and a member from Box Product Support will be in touch, please keep an eye out. 

    Thanks for posting!

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  • Allan Lam

    Any update on this?

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  • Colin Stuart

    I'm also interested an update here. This change is frustrating and slows me down.

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  • Falynn Serio

    This was the response I received from BOX: 

    As part of the updated Search Experience that was released in the last couple of weeks, Box has made an update to Search in a folder experience. Please read more details about the release here. This updated experience scopes the search to a folder when a user navigates to a folder and searches for an item. If the user wants to search everywhere in Box and not restrict the scope to only within the folder, the user can choose "Everywhere" in the search box and that will search across all documents the user has access to.
    We understand this enhancement has caused some changes for you. While we hope you give the new search experience a try, we would like to learn more about the effect of the changes on your workflow. We have a line of communication open with our product and engineering teams, and would be sharing your thoughts with them directly.

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  • Abdulrahman Adam

    Any plans of changing this to allow setting the default to search "Everywhere" especially after searching and viewing a folder?

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  • Bryce Smyth

    Probably no plans of changing, been months now with multiple post in this forum and they still have yet to change it

    Gotta love box!

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