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Can a managed user add an app user as a collaborator?

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3 commentaires

  • jschulist

    I managed to figure this out.  Using the API I queried for the app users system generated login value.  This login value (which is formatted like an email address) can be used on the invite collaborators screen by managered users to invite app users.

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  • Patricia65

    Once you added the app user as a collaborator how to you access the collaborated folders rather than the app user folders?

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  • npetri

    Each folder should have a distinct folder_id, which is available through the web interface in the folder's URL. Once you've invited your app as a collaborator, it should be able to view / modify files within that folder by referring to it by folder_id.


    For example, in python:


    my_folder = client.folder(folder_id='xxxxxxx')
    files = my_folder.get_items(limit=100)
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