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Update File Info API not working

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13 commentaires

  • LoCortes

    Hello ,


    to update the description you have to use the PUT method not GET that I think is what you are using. Please look at here https://docs.box.com/v2.0/reference#update-a-files-information exactly how to do it.


    You need to call a PUT method and send a json with the values.



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  • zizou21



    Sorry it was indicated in my initial message.


    Actually I am using a PUT method but it is not working (no update is executed).


    Thanks, AEB

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  • zizou21

    In addition, my first step is just to test the API with a ReST client. The code is 200 but there is no update on the "record".


    Thanks, AEB

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  • LoCortes



    could you enclose a screenshot please? I said the PUT thing because I see that the URL you shared is built as if it was a GET 🙂


    I have done a test with Restlet Client that is similar to POSTMAN and works fine for me. See the screenshot. 


    You should have something similar.




    Update File Info.png


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  • zizou21






    Please find the screenshot. My first step was a simple test to see/check the update. But no update is processed.







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  • Murtza

     In your request, you have to send the updated values of name and description as body parameters. You also have to send the access token as a header in your request.


    Here is a cURL example for this request:



    curl https://api.box.com/2.0/files/FILE_ID \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN" \
    -d '{"name":"newName", "description":"newDescription"}' \
    -X PUT



    Here is an example of this same request in Postman:





    Since you are using Postman, I would suggest checking out our Postman collection that has most of the Box API calls already setup. 

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  • zizou21

    Thank you. I will change my Postman query.

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  • LoCortes



    exactly. Probably I did not express myself clear enough, apologies.


    But,  you are doing the query as if the request was a GET one. As my screenshot shows the body is there.


    If you do not pass anything on the body you have an OK because nothing has changed so the update is succesful.



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  • zizou21

    Thanks for the update.


    I tried the cURL example you provided but I see no update when I execute it.  The current record is displayed with no updates on the name and decription columns.


    Below the command I tried:

    curl https://api.box.com/2.0/files/FILE_ID  -H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS-TOKEN" \

    -D {"name":"NewName", "description":"NewDescription"} \

    -X PUT -k


    Any explanation would be appreciated. Thanks.

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  • LoCortes

    Hello ,


    could you add a screenshot of your call using postmann please? Maybe then we can point exactly what is wrong.



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  • zizou21

    Hello @LoCortes,


    Actually I was trying to understand explanation and the cURL example:

    curl https://api.box.com/2.0/files/FILE_ID \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN" \
    -d '{"name":"newName", "description":"newDescription"}' \
    -X PUT


    I tried it and it didn't work.


    I opened a separate discussion.




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  • LoCortes



    I would try to finish the postman approach you were doing as it is easier 🙂


    It does not work but could you share some screenshot or message or something? it will be easier to help you.


    By the way, are you executing that exactly message that Murtza gave you? I guess you've changed the File_ID to some specific one and using your developer token, aren't you?



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  • zizou21



    Yes, I have changed the File_ID and developer token with correct values but it is not working.



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