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Using the search API doesn't return new creations

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6 commentaires

  • jordan_k_miles

    I just looked at the documentation again and saw where new items are only available to search after 10 minutes. Is there a way around this? Maybe a way to use an external id for lookup? There doesn't seem to be much point in an integration if we can't tie objects to our external ids and query them immediately.

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  • jmoldow_box



    Why do you need the search API for what you are doing?


    Send the API call to create the folder. If that name doesn't yet exist, the folder will be created, the API call will succeed, and it will send you a response. That response will contain the ID of the newly created folder.


    If the name is already in use, the error response should contain info (including the ID) of the folder that already exists.

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  • jordan_k_miles

    That is probably what I'll end up doing.


    Thanks for the reply,

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  • LoCortes

    Hello ,


    only as an extra piece of knowledge... metadata indexing time is not only on creation time but also on removal. I mean, the 10 minutes period needed for the documents to be indexed when you add metadata also happens when you remove metadata.


    So, you can remove metadata from a file but you will find it when you search for it during that window of time.



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  • Fenn Rider

    I have created a new folder in the Box UI (not in the API). Even after 40 minutes, when searching for it with part of its name, I am not finding it. The ten minute interval between creating (in the UI) and finding it in a search in the API does not seem to always work.

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  • Nupaul Miller

    This is still an issue with version 3.26

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