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Using C# to get user information

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2 commentaires

  • bibek_k



    I had this problem before and I ended up editing the SDK code itself. 

    Go to   box-windows-sdk-v2\Box.V2\Managers  folder and make changes to BoxUsersManager.cs file

    public async Task GetCurrentUserInformationAsync(List fields = null)
    BoxRequest request = new BoxRequest(_config.UserEndpointUri, "me")
    .Param(ParamFields, fields);

    IBoxResponse response = await ToResponseAsync(request).ConfigureAwait(false);

    return response.ResponseObject;


    and you can call this function as :

    var bu = await SymBoxManager.Client.UsersManager.GetCurrentUserInformationAsync(new List() { "login", "space_used", "is_Platform_access_only" });



    Not exactly the way to do this but I didn't have any choice. You could probaly use inheritence and override the function yourself but i haven't tried it yet. let me know if you do that way.


    Hope this helps.




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  • JoyMDA

    Hi Bibek,


    Based on your suggestion, I did the function overloading on the method

    BoxUsersManager.GetUserInformationAsync. See the method definition below. It works well.








    /// Retrieves information about a user in the enterprise. Requires enterprise administration authorization.


    /// userId">The user identifier.

    /// // fields">Attribute(s) to include in the response.

    /// Returns the complete user object.

    public async Task<BoxUser> GetUserInformationAsync(string userId, List<string> fields = null)


    BoxRequest request = new BoxRequest(_config.UserEndpointUri, userId)

    .Param(ParamFields, fields);

    IBoxResponse<BoxUser> response = await ToResponseAsync<BoxUser>(request).ConfigureAwait(false);

    return response.ResponseObject;



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