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Search with Metadata not working

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4 commentaires

  • LoCortes

    Hello ,

    the URL you've shared, once decoded, is: https://api.box.com/2.0/search?mdfilters=[{"templateKey":"adaptPhase","scope":"enterprise_86433","filters":{"productType":+"case"}}]


    If we pretty-print that:


        "templateKey": "adaptPhase",
        "scope": "enterprise_86433",
        "filters": {
          "productType": + "case"


    I see here two things:

    1. there is a + there that shouldn't be here. Remove it and try again.
    2. In case that it is still not working try to add square brackets [] on the filters piece: "filters": [{"productType":"case"}]

     Let's see if this works for you 😉



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  • vijeeshciber

    Thank you for your reply.

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  • katrinaa

    Thanks for that great post!


    , did this solve your question? If so, give 'em props and tell the community by clicking the Accept Solution button beneath post!


    Thanks for your time in the community and appreciate your help!

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  • vijeeshciber

    No. Actual issue with template key. I have changed my template key. Now my code is working fine with all type of metadata filters.

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