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oAuth Redirect URI setup

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6 commentaires

  • kendomen

    For JWT, there is none since the authorization step is done by the enterprise admin.

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  • sids

    I am not sure I understand your response, let me explain what I am trying to achieve. May be I am doing it wrong.

    1> We have an application in which a user can integrate with their box account

    2> I have a link in our application, when the user clicks the link the system should navigate to box login and after the user is authenticated I expect the box to redirect back to the application with a code (that will be used to generate a token). The URL is https://account.box.com/api/oauth2/authorize?response_type=code&client_id={}&redirect_uri={}&state=box.

    Currently when the browser navigates to above URL I am getting an error on the navigated box page 

    Error: redirect_uri_mismatch 

     Show Error Details
    • response_type=code
    • redirect_uri={}
    • state=box
    • client_id={}

      I do not see any attribute to set the redirect URI in the Configuration tab on Box admin page?


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  • kendomen

    i think in that case, you need to select "Standard Oauth2.0 (User Authentication)".  Then you'll be able to put a redirect url in the app.



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  • sids

    That did work, Thank you.


    I want to blame it on the box UI, I didn't see it as an option 😉

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  • jonasalmeida1

    What about when the redirect uri needs to point to RStudio running on a cloud deployment? How to I set redirect_uri in box_auth to something else than localhost?

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  • Melissa Lee

    Hi, I'm wondering how you figure out what the redirect uri should be when you put it in the configuration for the app?

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