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3 commentaires

  • Howard



    Thanks for your post! This seems more like a preview issue that we will need to check with you.

    This would be something our Box Support team would like to investigate with you and will require specific account information. If so, you should contact Box Support to help you directly.

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  • xy7

    Following might not help you but might help someone else (like me) who searches for this error message and comes across this thread. With some assistance from Box support we discovered that this particular error appears for watermarked content on Box shared links that have passwords set; that is to say, if you enable watermarking on a folder (or individual file), and created a public shared link and set a password on the link, then neither previewing nor downloading will work (rending the shared link essentially useless). In other words, watermarking and link passwords are incompatible features. This bug is documented under "Known Limitations" on this page: https://community.box.com/t5/Migrating-and-Previewing-Content/Preview/ta-p/19153#limitations


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  • elii

    Hi !


    Just wanted to say thank you for sharing the additional information you found with the rest of the Box community!


    Being aware of the known limitations helps clarify the situation for a lot of other community members facing the same problem.


    Thank you again for your contribution and for your time in the Community!

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