Custom Upload with form
I am exploring ways of receiving files from clients and having them organized in a folder hierarchy on Box. The ideal solution would be to have a website form that collects a company name (Company A) and allows a file upload. This would create a folder structure: Company A/uploads on Box and store the file there. Then, email a notification that a file was uploaded. Any advise would be appreciated. Thanks!
Hi , that's a great use case!
Assuming you're coming from a developer/API perspective, native box (web app) functionality should be able to take care of most of that. However, you would need some custom logic or think about requiring users to have Box accounts in order to "authenticate" them - i.e. how you would tell someone *really was* from Company A or B, and not a bogus submission. Then, you'd have to use that info somehow to organize your content automagically, or set up a manual process on your side (maybe an Automation).
For accepting uploads, you can take advantage of our upload embed widget (one file at a time, easier to use):
Or Content Uploader UI Element (multiple files, requires development work to set up):
For email notifications, you can set them up via the web app:
Or you can set up webhooks via our API, which would send notifications to an endpoint specified by you (you'd then have to trigger your own emails based on those notifications):
Lots of options - hopefully that gets you in the right direction!
Best wishes,
hi - if i'm using the content uploader UI element you mentioned (, what is the most direct way (or is it possible) to change the name of the files users are uploading? basically, i want to append the file name with a timestamp as it is uploaded, as i don't want versioning to kick in if files are named the same.
Hey . Is there a way to rename the file programatically before the file is uploaded? I saw that one can append extra information to the upload requests using Axios request modifier. But, how do we tap this information once the is uploaded? How can I access this data from the API.
I to would like to rename the file before upload using this UI Element. As you mentioned there's the Axios modifier via requestInterceptor option then using = 'Newname_UNIQUEKEY.txt'; although it looks like it sends to the API for an upload session, the actual upload still has the old filename and makes a new version.
I'd like to be able to tell the uploader the filename via a callback rather than what the user has named the file.
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