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How to know the childcount of a folder in Folder(fetching by folder id)

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5 commentaires

  • BobFlynn-IU



    You'll have better luck with this kind of question over at the Box Developer Forum. This one is mostly end users and admins.



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  • scottdodds

    Thanks , I agree!

    Hi , thanks for posting!


    For better exposure, I have moved this discussion to the Box Developer Forum. Hopefully this will help the community better find and assist you with this!


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  • raghava56


    let us say their is one main folder i.e "RootFolder" having two sub folders i.e ABC and XYZ.

    Now i want to know the information of both of ABC and XYZ , along with child count by using one api call based on RootFolder id .(https://api.box.com/2.0/folders/RootFolderId/items)

    please help me.




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  • raghava56

    Thanks   can you reply if any update on that  done.

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  • mwiller

     Unfortunately, there's no easy way to get the child counts for multiple different folders in one API call.  You'll need to make one call per folder to get each folder's information.

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