Box CLI only available for Windows 10?
RéponduHi all,
I have configured a PowerShell script to use the Box CLI instead of buggering on with trying to configure theWindows SDK to be used for REST calls.
When performing this on my local machine it works like a charm.
But I am writing the script to automate the creation of users via a Selfservice Product; HelloID.
So I perform the PowerShell task from a website on which I can request this task, then the agent service will perform the PowerShell task.
The agent service is installed on a Windows Server 2012 R2.
But whenever I try to configure the Box CLI, by running a cmd and entering:
nuget.exe box configure environments add "C:\Users\adm_ramon\Downloads\56573075_hb48orej_config.json" --name CLI
It gives the error:
Is there any way to make this work for Windows machines below Windows 10?
Or doesn't it work on Windows Servers at all, if so can we fix this in any way?
My mistake, the above error message was referring to nuget.
I fixed the nuget issue, but I keep getting the error 'Unknown command: 'box', whilst I have the BoxCLI installed.
I am using the following command, and the BoxCLI folder with all files is stalled in C:\Program FilesC:\Users\adm_ramon\Documents\Nuget\nuget.exe box configure environments add "C:\Users\adm_ramon\Downloads\56573075_hb48orej_config.json" --name CLI
Any ideas?
It appears that you're trying to run 'box' as an argument for nuget.exe — that's not how the CLI is invoked. The CLI is a standalone executable, which is generally called like this:
box configure environments add "C:\Users\adm_ramon\Downloads\56573075_hb48orej_config.json" --name CLI
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