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Fail to search folder info on my box app through Python BoxSDK(JWTAuth) token

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2 commentaires

  • mbehn-box

    Hi lingjshi,


    When you generate a developer token in the Dev Console, it generates a token for your personal box account that you created the application under. So, if you have this content in your personal account, it would surface in a search using the developer token for your personal account. 


    When you generate a token using the Python SDK, it generate's a token for your application's Service Account  within the Box Enterprise - not your personal account. If you upload content to the Service Account through the API, it will be searchable using the token returned from the Python SDK.


    Hope this helps!

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  • lingjshi

    Hi mbehn,


    Thank you for your advice.


    I followed Service Account  , added my service account as a collaborator, it is working well with token generated via Python BoxSDK.

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