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Webhook v2- created thru SDK, Status = Waiting for activation

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3 commentaires

  • newtobo-x2019

    Anybody from Box able to help? Forgot to highlight that I am not able to get any notifications probably becuase it has not been activated. How do I get the webhook activated?

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  • mbehn-box

    Hi ,


    V2 web hooks do not require activation from Box Support. I am not sure which SDK you are using but it most likely has an available method to get all webhooks associated with the token making the request. Here is an example from our Java SDK.


    Note that V2 webhooks are only created through the API, not in the developer console. Only V1 webhooks are managed in the Developer Console and need to be enabled by Box Support.


    You can also manually make a GET request to get all web hooks passing the owner's user token:


    You mentioned you see the error 'Waiting for Activation'. Can you provide the full error you are seeing/where you are seeing this for the V2 webhook?

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  • newtobo-x2019

    Thank you so much. The error was not a box error but an error on my part. The status was of async/await as the result was not yet retrieved. Works now, thanks

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