How are metadata templates scoped across Dev Sandboxes?
From documentation I have found that metadata templates can be scoped to enterprise_* but I'm still unclear how that translates to dev sandboxes.
If I create or change a template in the main enterprise, is that template or change available in the dev sandboxes?
If I create or change a template in a Sandbox, is that reflected in the main enterprise?
If changes do not carry through on their own, what is the best way to move them through multiple environments a dev process?
Good morning ,
metadata templates are only affecting the specific sanbox where you've configured it.
We built ourselves a little java tool that would ingest a JSON and create the metadata template into BOX. So, with a simple Excel macro we build the json by specifying the different metadata fields. And then use that json + the java application to upload and download metadata template defintions.
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