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What does a user's "modified_at" field mean?

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2 commentaires

  • jcleblanc

    Hi ,


    Here's the information on the user object: https://developer.box.com/en/reference/resources/user/ 


    The modified_at field will be the last time that the user object information was updated.


    Please let me know if you have any other questions,


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  • iancrew

    Thanks  !


    I needed an answer sooner, so I ended up submitting a support ticket and got an answer. The documentation you pointed to is the right place (though for some reason Google Search doesn't seem to know about it?).


    What I eventually learned is that a user's modified_at changes any time any other field for the user is changed. Critically, that also includes any change to the space_used (i.e. how much stuff they own) value. So while it's not a "user last activity" value — which would be insanely useful, BTW — it's a very rough approximation for one, and good enough in certain circumstances.


    I did suggest that making the above a touch clearer in the documentation would be nice.





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