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React - Unable to pass token to Content Explorer

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3 commentaires

  • dhebert-dev

    Checking to see if anyone has a solution for this issue as it is blocking our progress with getting Box implemented with our app. 

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  • ConradChan

    Hi  ,


    It seems like the root of the issue is that ContentExplorer does not handle a string access token being changed after mounting.


    You probably have two options:

    1. Render ContentExplorer conditionally based on when your have resolved your token
    2. Use a token generator function instead -- I couldn't find a good example in box-ui-elements, but here is some documentation from box-content-preview: https://github.com/box/box-content-preview#token-generator-function

    Hope that helps,


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  • dhebert-dev

    Thank you! So the solution here was to conditionally render Content Explorer. That helped me a lot. Thanks so much. 

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