How to send Box-Notifications header with the value off in BOX API .Net??
How to send Box-Notifications header with the value off in BOX API .Net
I am making administrative API calls to download the box files, and the user signing in is a co-admin with the correct "Edit settings for your company" permission and I want to suppress email notifications.
I am making Box API call (in C#) as mentioned below
BoxSession boxsession = new BoxSession("AccessToken","RefreshToken","ExpiresIn","TokenType")
BoxConfig Config = new BoxConfig(ClientId, ClientSecret, RedirectUri) { AcceptEncoding = CompressionType.gzip };
BoxClient Client = new BoxClient(Config, boxSession);
Stream stream = await Client.FilesManager.DownloadStreamAsync(fileId)
Query: how to send Box-Notifications header with above request???
Thanks in advance.
Hello Murtza,
Thanks for time. I got reference from following link:
It says about passing a header Box-Notification with a value off.
I am using box c# api from GIT but unable to find any way to pass this header .
Can you suggest?
Thanks for clarifying.
You can add a header by modifying the AddDefaultHeaders method in the BoxResourceManager class. Adding a header in this method will add a header to all requests you make with this SDK to the Box API. Please see the example below.
protected IBoxRequest AddDefaultHeaders(IBoxRequest request) { request .Header(Constants.RequestParameters.UserAgent, _config.UserAgent); .Header(Constants.RequestParameters.AcceptEncoding, _config.AcceptEncoding.ToString()); /// Add a header to suppress notifications .Header("Box-Notifications", "off"); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_asUser)) request.Header(Constants.RequestParameters.AsUser, _asUser); return request; }
To follow the conventions of our SDK, you would store the string for the header key in the Constants class and store the string for header value in the BoxConfig class.
Thanks. This is what I was looking for.
But now after adding this header I am gettting error "Forbidden" while making an API Call..
e.g. I am using UsersManager.GetEnterpriseUsersAsync call to get all the users in enterprise.
If I use lib without the box-notification header it works fine but if i add the header it started returning 'Forbidden"
Is there any other settings required in Box Application.?
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