Understanding API Rate-Limits
RéponduHi All,
I am in the middle of implementing a one-time migration of files from one cloud based system to Box and to do so I am leveraging the Box 2.0 API, more specifically, the Preflight check. Upload File and Create Metadata on File post calls.
My question is as follows, I have a little over 28k files to migrate and I'm curious how to best ensure that in one run of my script I don't run into any rate limits.
I will definitely write back the resulting fileId's to files in my original locatino just so I can keep track of what has been successfully uploaded and what has not in the case that I run into a rate limit half-way through the migration.
But I'm curious as to what the right way to do something like this would be to avoid any limits (if there is such a way).
I didn't see any hard numbers around how many API calls you can make in any given period, which is the reason for the query.
Appreciate any advice and all who read.
I believe the rate limits are, in part, based on what level of service you have. The best way to get the actual numbers is to open a ticket. I've been given different answers depending on who, at Box, I speak with.
That said,they tend to recommend an exponential backoff approach, which I don't personally find to be very practical. What I can tell you is that the API limits are per user.
One of my applications is a headless bulk-loader that monitors for documents added to a filesystem and loads them into Box. It has a pool of 25 Box App Users to work from. If I get a 429 error (too many API calls), then I switch to a different App User and resubmit the request. That's gotten me around the problem without signficantly impacting performance.
Thanks SalsaShark42 this does help.
I think I'm going to try and ask about my limit as a support case. I'm hoping it's a set number and not something too compliated but I'll find out.
Thanks for the insight, gives me some idea at how I can handle a similar (albeit, one time) migration request on my end.
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