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JWT Service Account?

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1 commentaire

  • LoCortes

    Hello ,


    I understand for what you explained that you have achieved most of the steps to start integrating an application

    1. Create an application. Done

    2. Generate a private/public key pair. Done

    3. Grant availability in the box repository to the application. Done.


    Not sure I have understood other things.

    You say that you've enabled app users on the box admin console... what does that mean? To generate APPusers you have to do it through code. Or were you refering you've created named users?


    Depending on the type of integration you will use named users or app users generated for that purpose. Once you've created app users you have to give them access to folders as you would do with a regular named user. 


    A service account is automatically created when you create an application. Every time you use the admin authentication on the application the user you use is the service account. You can use the api to get the current user and you will see that the user is different if you use the admin authentication or the user one.



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