File Upload Issues using API
RéponduHi - I am trying to upload a file using ASP.NET WEB API, please let me know what am I doing wrong in the below code.
var client = new HttpClient();
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " XXX);
new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
using (var content = new MultipartFormDataContent())
var newFile = new { name = "test.txt", parent = new { id = 234} } ;
content.Add(new StreamContent(File.OpenRead(@"C:\\test.txt")), "Test", "Test.txt");
content.Add(new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(newFile), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"));
var req = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, "") { Content = content };
var response = client.SendAsync(req).Result;
var result = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
I am getting below error -
"{\"type\":\"error\",\"status\":400,\"code\":\"bad_request\",\"context_info\":{\"errors\":[{\"reason\":\"missing_parameter\",\"name\":\"parent\",\"message\":\"'parent' is required\"}]},\"help_url\":\"http:\\/\\/\\/docs\\/#errors\",\"message\":\"Bad Request\",\"request_id\":\"***number removed for privacy***54f9e680df25455f5\"}"
You might be seeing this error because you are setting the value of parent object id as an int instead of a string. Can you please retry the request by changing the parent object id type as shown below?
Change This Line:
var newFile = new { name = "test.txt", parent = new { id = 234} } ;
var newFile = new { name = "test.txt", parent = new { id = "234"} } ;
I found the solution, the Upload endpoint expects parent_id not the parent object as mentioned in the documentation (that's how I was able to upload the file using .NET HttpClient).
content.Add(new StringContent({fileId}), "parent_id");
Thank you for your prompt support.
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