ContentExplorer File Options Menu Wont Open
I am using the box ContentExplorer in my React application and in it, I cant seem to figure out why when I click the ellipsis button ("...") beside any of the files in my folder, the file actions menu will not open. Nothing happens when I click the button. I am seeing this same behavior on IE, Chrome and Firefox. I made my web app publicly accessible and still see the issue when using my home computer to eliminate the possibility of it being our corporate anti virus / popup blocker software. I also had the network guys test with antivirus disabled, still the same result.
One additional note, the "Share" button right next to the ellipsis button works just fine.
I define the component in my render() as seen below.
Has anyone seen this before? Suggestions? Thanks!
I was able to resolve the issue soon after posting this. The ContentExplorer component was being rendered on top of a dialog component. The ContentExplorer component was indeed rendering on top of the dialog component, however for some reason the file actions menu (after clicking the ellipsis) was rendering beneath the dialog component and wasnt visible. Setting the zIndex=1 in the style for the dialog component resolved the issue.
The last time we ran into this was some z-index issue. Can you either share your webapp URL or check and see if it's a z-index issue yourself?
If neither of those solve this issue, please file an issue in with details, thanks.
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