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7 commentaires

  • vmaker

    Apologies for the inconvenience! 


    The Open With Element is in development and is targeted for delivery later this year. Our sign up form was having some issues so we updated it. Can you please try again using this updated link?





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  • Chrisre

    Any information on when this will be released? Thanks! Chris Eddy.

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  • Sytze

    Any updates on this question? We've got a customer with a perfect use case for the Open With UI Element. It was scheduled for the first half of 2018, but that has just passed. Any new estimate for a release date available?

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  • Chrisre

    Has there been any updates on the release of this element? 

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  • jpress

    Hi ,

    The Open With Element is projected to enter public beta on September 28th. 



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  • Chrisre

    Thanks for letting me know. Looking forward to it! Just FYI - The Box Elements Beta Program Sign-Up Sheet does not seem to work. Filling out the form and pressing next does not move the form to page 2.

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  • vmaker

     , hello there!


    Just wanted to share a quick update - we just launched the GA of the Open With element with support for Google Docs, Adobe Sign and Box Edit (aka editing via desktop applications). Thought you might find this interesting. 
    Here are a few resources to help you get started:
    Please reach out to us via https://support.box.com if you have any questions / feedback / issues you run into. Thanks for reading!
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