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invite Collaborators from Salesforce API

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1 commentaire

  • cary

    Hey ,


    If you are receiving a 401 unauthorized as the API response I would check your token to make sure it has not expired. One more thing I would like to add is although creating the HTTP request manually is totally fine I would use our Box Salesforce SDK found here


    You can find the call to add a collaborator here


    By ID:

    BoxCollaborator user = new BoxUser(api, 'user-id')
    BoxFolder folder = new BoxFile(api, 'folder-id');
    folder.collaborate(user, BoxCollaboration.Role.EDITOR);

    By Email:

    BoxFolder folder = new BoxFile(api, "id");
    folder.collaborate("gcurtis@box.com", BoxCollaboration.Role.EDITOR); 


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