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Uploads limited to 50 Mo in Content Uploader

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2 commentaires

  • maxime-echr



    I did more testing and it looks that this issue is only present in Chrome. I am able to upload 50Mb + files from Firefox and from Internet Explorer 11.


    It looks like Chrome makes requests to get an upload session but then doesn't do anything to upload content.


    After a few minutes an HTTP DELETE request is done to https://upload.box.com/api/2.0/files/upload_sessions/[SESSION_ID]





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  • maxime-echr

    I was able to sort this out but opening an issue on Github. 

    This is due to some security object not being available if the site is hosted in an non-HTTPS server and using Chrome as a browser.


    The workaround is to host the app on HTTPS or wait for a fix in the Control (which looks like coming soon).


    Details here: https://github.com/box/box-ui-elements/issues/466

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