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4 commentaires

  • kartah

    Up Up I'm looking for the same thing ...

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  • jpress

    Hi , you can add this option in your show call.




          	uploader.show(folderId, accessToken, {
                container: '.container',
                isFolderUploadEnabled: true

    Also, ensure you're on the latest version as this is a relatively new feature. 



    Hope this helps!


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  • azndoodle

    Can you share how you imported Box UI Elements into you Angular project?


    I'm using Angular 7 and tried to add to the build > script but when it tries to transpile I get this error: "preview.js:22 Uncaught Error: Missing or malformed preview.js library"


    how do I make my angular project recognize the box ui element .js library?

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  • kasee nadh reddy

    Box is the global variable when the box-ui-element script loaded, you can declare one variable as
    declare var Box:any; in component file
    Then you can invoke the required classes and methods.

    Refer this repository.

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