Updating FOLDER_ID from ContentUploader/requestInterceptor
I need to update the FOLDER_ID base on file uploaded. For this reason, I have a function called FOLDER_ID_CHECK that will check the correct Folder_ID when uploading a file.
however, I encounter a problem I don"t see how to solve...
When uploading a file, I can see 2 XHR commands with method OPTIONS & POST.
- I have the ability to do a FOLDER_ID_CHECK during the OPTIONS step and adjust it if necessary (ie : config.data.parent.id = "XXXXX"; )
- However, during the POST step, I can't see how to use the new FOLDER_ID - the function still want to use the origine FOLDER_ID.
This function is really useful to create folders on the fly - and only when a user initiate an upload.
Any helps are welcome.
Thanks, Frederic
thank you for reaching out. I would recommend raising this issue directly with the UI Elements team on GitHub: https://github.com/box/box-ui-elements
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