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revokeToken method throws error in JavaSDK when trying to revoke downscoped token

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3 commentaires

  • mwiller

     This is actually an API limitation; it is not currently possible to revoke downscoped tokens.  This is something that the Box Platform team is actively working on, though, and we expect it will be available within the next couple of months!

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  • visheg

     Thanks for that. Would be looking forward for this feature.

    Meanwhile we will create temporary folder for each upload and scope the tokens to upload only to that folder and delete it once it is done. Hope this would achieve our goal to avoid reusing of scoped token before they expire.


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  • braden



    Just wanted to pop in and tell you that we launched the revoke endpoint yesterday! You should now be able to revoke downscoped tokens from Java SDK: New Security Enhancements for Revoking Access Tokens




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