Does the notion of an absolute path to folder/file exist?
In a Box developer org, logged in as admin user, I can create a folder path
/All Files/Engineering/Documentation/Public
If I collaborate with Tech Writer bob, giving him an editor role, "Public" now shows at bob's "/All Files/Public"
If I transfer Public ownership from admin to bob, Public disappears from its original location and shows up under admin's /All Files.
If I fetch folder information for Public as both users, I get different path_collections in the folder metadata response.
It appears as though Box is mounting the top of each collaboration tree to the user's /All Files collection.
Is there a notion of an enterprise wide, absolute path structure so that content from different users can be compared and reconciled.
I have not found anything in documentation, api doc, box developer forums, stack overflow, or enterprise settings to confirm or deny the above.
Can someone confirm that there is no absolute path exposed in the box api.
thanks for any help you can provide
Hello ,
I fear there's no such thing. As you can invite any collaborator at any level in the path, the collaborator will start "seeing" that structure from that point onwards. So, if you have a path with 10 folders and you add a collaborator at the 3rd level, that one will be the folder mounted on its "All files".
You can request that through the pulse site.
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