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Read box files in python

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4 commentaires

  • Nayak

    Hi , I stongly recommend you to use the Box Python SDK and authenticate (either via JWT approach or 3 legged Oauth2) and get the access token & client connection setup. Post this you can call the List Folder Items & download required files. Hope this helps

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  • George Avetisyan

    Hey, Nayak. I did try everything you just mentioned above, pandas is not able to read excel files. In fact its not reading any files. When I do pd.read_excel () in the parameter I tried to pass content, link to the file, file id, everything. Its not working. Please let me know what is the problem

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  • Guy Huinen


    from io import StringIO
    import pandas as pd

    file_content = client.file(file_id).content()


    data = StringIO(s)


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  • Shobin Joyakin

    Hi George.. Did you find a way to read Excel file in Box using python script? The solution Guy Huinen shared works only with CSV files.

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