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Box Sync for Mac Finder Extension Missing

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21 commentaires

  • maltus

    Hi .


    Is it possible to check your Diagnostic Reports folder (located here: ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports) to see if there are any reports that the Box Sync Finder Extension has crashed?

    If so, this may be something the User Services team may be better able to assist you with. Please submit a case and they will be able to help.

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  • chricart

    There is nothing in my ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports folder.

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  • TripB

    I had the exact issue on my Mac. I found the Box Sync Finder Extension when I clicked on the top option, "All third-party extensions" and Box was listed there.  I checked the box an then Box Sync icon will show up in the Finder.  Hope that helps.  

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  • deatrick

    I'm having the same problem. Checked in both places after re-installing several times.  Still not there!  Is there a way to simply install the Finder extensions by themselves (stand-alone installer). Syncing seems to work just fine.

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  • Box Product Support

    hi, where can i find the box sync finder extension? tryin to see if you solve works for my Mac. thanks!

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  • josh64

    I managed to fix it by typing this this in the Terminal -

    pluginkit -a /Applications/Box\ Sync.app/Contents/Plugins/FinderSyncExt.appex
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  • cashmaji

    That worked! Thank you!

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  • RubyAriba

    I tried your method and in System preference, it flashed in All third-party extensions then disappeared.

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  • RubyAriba

    Sorry, Tried again, and it worked. Thanks!

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  • JennyMcClure

    I'm having this same issues on my new mac.  I entered that link into terminal but now what do I do?  I still don't see the box.com sync extension under system preferences.  Thanks for any help!

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  • HSolomon

    This worked for me. Ran the command line then went back to "System Preferences -> Extensions -> All" and Box Sync was listed. 

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  • pdroehrig

    This worked for me as well (typing this into terminal, then re-checking Box in the Extrensions)


    pluginkit -a /Applications/Box\ Sync.app/Contents/Plugins/FinderSyncExt.appex


    Very strange and unpleasant.  


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  • BertBr

    And what if the solution with the terminal command doesn't work?

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  • gesantia

    Thanks for this response. I applied, and it worked. Extension option is found in System Preference

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  • elddum

    Thank you - worked perfectly!


    The terminal commend follow by checking the Box Sync extension in System Preferences fixed it for me too.

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  • pepefo

    Work for me!!
    Thanks, but only work when i wrote 'sudo'. first
    sudo +

    pluginkit -a /Applications/Box\ Sync.app/Contents/Plugins/FinderSyncExt.appex
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  • juju2

    I'm on Mac Os Sierra.

    I tried the

    pluginkit -a /Applications/Box\ Sync.app/Contents/Plugins/FinderSyncExt.appex

    command and then did the check extension in systems Preferences, but no luck.  The files are syncing but i cannot see the icons.

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  • France

    Hi ,


    Welcome to the Box Community and thanks for your first post in the forum!


    Your post seems like it may require account specific information/configuration to help solve it. I'd suggest that you contact Box Support so they can take a closer look at the issue you described to help you directly.



    Be sure to read our guidelines, Subscribe to content you like, and complete your profile on the community.

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  • alfoldi_gyerek


    I managed to fix it by typing this this in the Terminal -

    pluginkit -a /Applications/Box\ Sync.app/Contents/Plugins/FinderSyncExt.appex

    A genius!!! It worked for me too. THANKS!!!

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  • dannypeters

    wow, that worked, looked for it for weeks. this was the solution i was looking for. thank you so much!

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  • jbaker4

    When I tried this solution, I receive the message "invalid plugin path". I am new to iOS, any help is appreciated.


    I managed to fix it by typing this this in the Terminal -

    pluginkit -a /Applications/Box\ Sync.app/Contents/Plugins/FinderSyncExt.appex


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