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problems opening up larger pdf files on ios...ipad and iphone

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6 commentaires

  • Howard

    Hi ,

    Welcome to the community and thanks for your first post in the forum!

    Thanks for the detailed question! Could you clarify what you mean by large PDF files (10 MB, 20 MB?) Do you have an error that you can share and ahve you updated your Box App to the latest version for iOS? - that'll really help the community figure this out for you!


    Be sure to look at the Community Guidelines, and check out our Product News,Training Guides, and Help Articles. For tips on how to getting around, see this video.

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  • oliffa

    Learned that the problem was with the cache. Once I emptied the cache it worked with the large files.

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  • pchase

    OK how do you empty the cache?



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  • pchase

    nevermind i found it.  it worked well also

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  • dvs5631

    How did you empty the cache? I'm having the same problem

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  • katrinaa




    Welcome to the Box Community and thanks for your first post in the forum!



    Here's how you clear cache on iOS: Settings> Cache> Clear All Cache Files.


    Hope it helps!


    Be sure to read our guidelinesSubscribe to content you like, and complete your profile in the community.

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